Please join us August 15th at 8 PM at the John Natsoulas Gallery (521 1stStreet in Davis) for a poetry reading by Charles Halsted and Angela James.
Charles Halsted is the author of a new book of poetry, Extenuating Circumstances, from Finishing Line Press. Poet Hilger calls this new book a “poignant debut,” saying “Halsted writes poems of awe—for the practice of medicine, in which he made a lifelong career, and humanity, which exists alongside America’s history, with its ‘bombs in the night,’ its inequity and rage. Extenuating Circumstances delivers a frank and powerful gift—it challenges us to connect ‘line and hook with millennia of evolution.’”
Charles Halsted is a retired academic physician who taught for many years at the University of California, Davis. His poems have appeared or will appear in Blood and Bourbon, Blood and Thunder, Clerestory, Contemporary Poetry, Degenerates, The Gambler, The Ghazal Page, Haibun Today, Hektoin International, Poetry Now, Snapdragon, Tule Review, Words Apart, and Yolo Crow.He is a favorite and talented poet who has joined us many times at Poetry Night.
Angela James is a poet and storyteller steeped in the oral tradition of her family in the Caribbean. Her eclectic presentations — mixtures of poetry, stories, music and motion — appeal to a wide range of audiences. Angela’s work has been published in the literary magazine Sussuruss and in three collections: Personally, Random Pieces and Words.
James is a certified multi-disciplined teaching artist with the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission. A judge for the Poetry Out Loud competition she has worked to introduce poetry and storytelling in after-school programs. Her work has been published in Sacramento City College’s literary magazine and incorporated into her storytelling. The Angela James CD “Echo in the Bone” features several of her poetry pieces as well as her singing. She is a certified, multi-disciplined teaching artist and has received grants to promote poetry and storytelling in schools.
We meet at the John Natsoulas Gallery every first and third Thursday of the month. Join us at 521 1stStreet, Davis, CA.
Guests are invited to arrive to Poetry Night early (by 7:45) to sign up for a spot on the open mic that will follow the readings by our featured authors. The open mic list is usually full by 8 PM. Please bring your poems, short stories, monologues, and songs. Performers with instruments are especially welcomed. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to five minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series is hosted by Davis poet laureate Dr. Andy Jones, and is supported by live piano performances by local musician Jason Mak, as well as by Dr. Andy’sinterns.
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Future featured performers include Bill O’Daly, Allegra Silberstein, Mischa Kuczynski, Lois P. Jones, Katie Peterson, and many others.
Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – (530) 756-3938
521 1stStreet (1stand E Streets)
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