Poetry Night for September 7 is ON! James Lee Jobe will be our host.
The Poetry Reading Series is proud to feature two outstanding poets: Nancy Aidé Gonzalez and Cathy Arellano. Both will perform on Thursday, September 7th at 8 P.M. at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.
Nancy Aidé González is a Chicana poet, educator, and activist. Her work has appeared in Huizache The magazine of Latino literature, La Tolteca, Mujeres De Maiz Zine, DoveTales, Tule Review, Hinchas de Poesía, and several other literary journals. Her work is featured in the Poetry of Resistance: Voices for Social Justice, Sacramento Voices: Foam at the Mouth Anthology, Lowriting: Shots Rides & Stories from the Chicano Soul, and Poetry in Flight/ Poesía en Vuelto. Nancy Aidé Gonzalez is a staple of the Central Valley poetry scene, and a longtime booster of other poets and writers. She is a participating member of Escritores del Nuevo Sol, co-founded by our dear friend, Francisco X. Alarcón.
Cathy Arellano has worked as a community poet with Loco Bloco and Mission Girls; and at the Mission Cultural Center, Everett Middle, and Mission High Schools through the San Francisco Arts Commission’s WritersCorps program; Horace Mann Middle School with the Mexican Museum’s community arts workshop; and elementary schools in the Richmond District with the California Poets in the Schools literary series. Later, she became a faculty member in the English Departments at John O’Connell and Leadership High Schools.
Arellano’s work has been published in Malpaís Review, The Más Tequila Review, Turtle Island to Abya Yala: A Love Anthology of Art and Poetry by Native American and Latina Women, Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About, Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds: The Teachers of WritersCorps in Poetry and Prose, El Tecolote, Cipactli, La Voz, La Bloga, and Duke City Fix. Cathy Arellano has been awarded the Hispanic Writer Award for the Taos Summer Writers’ Conference, a Literary Arts Grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission, and a Literary Arts Award for the Serpent Source Foundation for Women Artists.
An open mic will follow the readings by our featured poets. Please bring your poems, short stories, and songs. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to five minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series this time will be hosted by the eloquent and devoted Davis poet James Lee Jobe, and he will be supported by Dr. Andy’s hardworking interns. Dr. Andy Jones, the poet laureate of Davis, will be taking the night off to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife Kate. You should still come to Poetry Night.
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – (530) 756-3938
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