Arturo Mantecón & Gilberto Rodríguez
Read at the John Natsoulas Gallery
November 3rd @ 8PM
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to feature poets Arturo Mantecón and Gilberto Rodríguez on Thursday, November 3rd and 8PM. They will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.
Gilberto Rodríguez is Sacramento’s dithyrambic poet. For two decades, he has entertained audiences throughout northern California at numerous venues as a storyteller, musician, and poet-performer. He was griot for the African group “Up from the Roots.” He was also the founder, lead singer, and lyricist for the world beat band “Diluvio.”
Rodríguez is the founder of Unheimlich Theater, a small company of poets, actors, and musicians who impersonate and perform the works of great masters such as Antonin Artaud, Cesar Vallejo, Federico García Lorca, Charles Baudelaire, William Shakespeare, and Leopoldo María Panero.
Rodríguez believes that the experience of “dwelling poetically” is paramount to the reading, writing, and aural reception of poetry. He strives to eliminate any distinction between himself and the poem. His performances are meant to provoke audiences into thinking and acting poetically as well as the guardians of language.
Arturo Mantecón is a poet and translator. Born in Texas and raised in Michigan, he attended and graduated from Ella Fitzgerald Elementary in Detroit with Stevie Wonder. His poetry has appeared in La Ventana Abierta, Poetry Now and various anthologies. A collection of his short stories, Memories, Cuentos Verídicos, y Otras Outright Lies, was published by En Casa in 2014. He has translated the poetry and prose of the mad Spanish poeta maldito, Leopoldo María Panero. His most recent book, published this year, is Chance Encounters and Waking Dreams. In it Mantecón translates the work of Francisco Ferrer Lerín, perhaps the most important contemporary poet of the Iberian peninsula.
An open mic will follow the readings by the featured poets. Please bring your poems, short stories, and songs. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to five minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series is hosted by Dr. Andy Jones, the poet laureate of Davis. All are welcome.
Upcoming Readings:
November 17: D.R. Wagner and Alice Anderson
December 1: Joshua Clover
December 15: Sacramento Voices, featuring Naomi Williams and others.
Future: Amos White, Dorine Jeanette, others.
Media Contact: Andy Jones
Email: aojones@gmail.com
The John Natsoulas Gallery 530-756- 3938
See Facebook page for this event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1202471853146311/
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