Poet Beth Suter
Reads at the John Natsoulas Gallery in Davis
December 21st at 7pm
(With a bonus event with Dr. Andy at 6 PM)
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome poet Beth Suter on Thursday, December 21st at 7 P.M. (note the time change). She will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis. Also, see below for information about Dr. Andy’s new book, which has just been published.
Beth Suter is a longtime Davis author, poet, naturalist, and teacher. Her work has appeared in The Yolo Crow, The Avocet, The American River Review, Tule Review, and The Snowy Egret. She has been a featured reader at The Other Voice and The Sacramento Poetry Center. Suter won first place in the 2013 Ina Coolbrith Poetry Contest, and in 2014 was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Beth Suter grew up in rural Missouri, living close to the land. Suter fell in love with poetry while studying environmental science at UC Davis. Today she sees poetry as a way to commune with nature and share her love of place with others. She lives in Davis with her husband and son.
For this special poetry event, we will be meeting at early at 7 P.M., and we will finish by 8 P.M., with no open mic this time.
This third-floor Natsoulas Gallery reading by Beth Suter will be followed by an exciting Estonian Festival. The Estonian Festival will feature Steve Vanoni, Estonian’s performance group Non Grata and four other international performance groups. The Poetry Night Reading Series, hosted and produced by Davis Poet Laureate Dr. Andy Jones, occurs on the first and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery. Dr. Andy is supported by a bevy of interns, all of them UC Davis undergraduates.
Incidentally, Dr. Andy’s brand-new book, Pub Quizzes: Trivia for Smart People, will be available for sale before and after this event. Come grab your copy!
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Future Poetry Night Featured Performers (all events beginning at 8 P.M.):
January 4th: Chris Erickson
January 18th: Angela James and Laura Rosenthal
February 1st: Troy Jollimore and Heather Altfeld
February 15th: Susan Kolodny and Susanne Dyckman
Who: Beth Suter
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, December 21st at 7pm (note the new time)
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis
Media Contact: Andy Jones
Email: aojones@gmail.com
The John Natsoulas Gallery 530-756-3938
See the Facebook page for this event:
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis Facebook Page:
Please also follow Poetry Night on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/poetryindavis
Dr. Andy’s new book has just been published! Pub Quizzes: Trivia for Smart People is now available for purchase in Davis, and soon will be available via Amazon. For $20, you get 350 pages, 33 quizzes, and over a thousand trivia questions. Illustrated and impressively designed by local designer and artist Evan White, the book also features an introductory essay about the importance of playing games, and a preface by Keith David Watenpaugh, Director of Human Rights Studies at UC Davis. I feel that “Pub Quizzes” would make a great holiday gift, a book whose contents you could share out loud with family during a winter break, perhaps thus helping to pry members of your family away from their screens and gadgets, should that be a holiday objective.
If you are interested, there are four ways you can pick up a copy, three of them before Christmas.
- Come by the John Natsoulas Gallery tonight/Thursday (December 21st) between 6 and 7. The Beth Suter poetry reading starts at 7, but before that I will be signing copies, chatting with friends, and offering some holiday snacks and glasses of wine. The Gallery can be found at 521 1st Street, and we will be meeting on the third floor. You are also welcome to stay for the poetry reading, which will conclude by 8 (at which time I will sign some more books).
- Order a copy now so that Jukie and I can deliver it to your Davis home on Friday, December 22nd. You can also request copies for Davis friends who would appreciate such a gift delivered to their door, signed by the author (who in this case is also the delivery boy). The books are $20 each, or three for $50. Find the link to the form at the end of this message, or just message me your Davis address.
- Buy a copy from The Avid Reader, the independently-owned bookstore at 617 2nd Street in Davis. They are well stocked.
- Come to my book release party, also at the Avid Reader, on January 12th at 7:30. In addition to reading from the book, at that event I will hold a mini pub quiz with scorecards and prizes. And more wine.
I will provide updates in the future about ebooks and Amazon/online availability. Happy holidays, and thanks for your support of this new venture.