The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome Emily Hughes and Traci Gourdine on Thursday, October 18th at 8 P.M. They will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery, at 521 1st Street in Davis.
Emily Hughes grew up in Agua Caliente, California, a small town in the Sonoma Valley. Her poems have been published in the Sacramento News & Review, and Burning the Little Candle: An Anthology of Writing from the Faculty & Staff of American River College’s Creative Writing Program. A Davisite, Emily obtained an M.A. in creative writing from the University of California, Davis, and she now teaches at American River College.
Traci Gourdine has been published in numerous literary magazines, including the anthology Sudden Fiction Continued (Norton Publishing). She was paired with Quincy Troupe for a yearlong exchange of letters for the anthology Letters to Poets: Conversations about Poetics, Politics, and Community (Saturnalia Books) and was co-editor of Night is Gone, Day is Still Coming (Candlewick Press), as well as We Beg to Differ, poems by Sacramento poets against the Iraq war. Former co-editor of the Tule Review, Traci is a professor at American River College, where she chairs the Creative Writing department for the California State Summer School for the Arts. She also served four laureate terms as chair of the Sacramento Poet Laureate Committee. And, for ten years, she facilitated writing workshops within California state prisons as part of the Arts in Corrections program.
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to secure a seat, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, organized and hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Evan White, occurs on the first and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery in Downtown Davis, and is made possible by the support of the Cultural Action Committee of Davis.
Who: Emily Hughes and Traci Gourdine
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, October 18th
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street
Media Contact: Evan White
The John Natsoulas Gallery 530-756-3938
Visit the Facebook Event for Emily Hughes and Traci Gourdine!
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