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Connie Post and CJ Morello Perform at the John Natsoulas Gallery August 16th at 8PM

The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome the poet Connie Post on Thursday, August 16th at 8 P.M. She will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.

Connie Post served as the Poet Laureate of Livermore, California, from 2005–2009. During her term she created two popular reading series, “Wine and Words” and “Ravenswood,” and developed a youth poetry critique group that met every month for four years. She also runs the popular reading series “The Valona Deli Second Sunday Poetry Series” in Crockett, CA.

Connie has written seven books of poetry. Her most recent, “And When the Sun Drops” (Finishing Line Press) is all about her adult son with profound autism. Her work has also appeared in myriad journals and magazines, both in print and online, including: The Aurorean, Blood Root Literary Magazine, Barnwood International, Calyx, Blue Fifth Review, Kalliope, Comstock Review, Cold Mountain Review, Crab Creek Review, Karamu, Caesura, Chiron Review,  DMQ Review, Dogwood, Main Street Rag, The Dirty Napkin, Psychic Meatloaf, Pirene’s Fountain, Monterey Poetry Review, Slipstream,  The Toronto Quarterly, The Tule Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Wild Goose Poetry Review and The Great American Poetry Show.

Her awards and recognition include three Pushcart Prize nominations, second prize in the Jack Kerouac Poetry Contest in 2011, the 2009 Caesura Poetry Award from the Poetry Center of San Jose, and the Dirty Napkin Cover Prize (Spring 2009). She was a finalist in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011 in the Muriel Craft Bailey Awards for the Comstock Review, and was a finalist in the 2008 Lois Cranston Memorial Awards where her poem was placed in the top five by Ursula Le Guin.

Connie has been an advocate for autism for many years. She has presented to many local community colleges and groups on the subject of parenting and advocacy, and has been writing about the experience of parenting a son with autism for over twenty years.

CJ Morello is a graduate student of poetry at UC Davis. He earned his bachelor’s
degree in Philosophy at the University of Chicago. Other poetry that continued
to inspire him were the 19th century romantics, especially Milosz, Crane, Strand,
Kenneth Koch, Thomas Lux. He is the recipient of this year’s Jack Kerouac
Poetry Prize and the youngest winner to have been honored with the award.

Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a seat, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, organized and hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Pia Baur, occurs on the first and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery in the Arts and Entertainment District known as Downtown Davis. The Poetry Night Reading Series is made possible by the support of the Cultural Action Committee of Davis.

Who: Connie Post and CJ Morello
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, August 16th 
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street
Media Contact: Evan White


The John Natsoulas Gallery 530-756-3938


The Facebook Event for this evening with Connie Post and CJ Morello can be visited here:
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