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Joan Gelfand and Jenny Holland Perform at the John Natsoulas Gallery on December 15th

The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome Joan Gelfand with Jenny Holland on Thursday, December 15th at 8 P.M. They will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street.

Joan Gelfand is an award-winning writer from San Francisco who has authored two books of poetry: A Dreamer’s Guide to Cities and Streams (San Francisco Bay Press, 2009) and Seeking Center (Two Bridges Press, 2006). Her poetry, fiction, reviews and essays have appeared in national and international magazines, anthologies and literary journals. Recipient of the 2010 Cervena Barva Award, Gelfand teaches in the California Poets in the Schools and Poetry Out Loud programs and frequently speaks at writing workshops and conferences, including every year with Dr. Andy Jones for many years at the San Francisco Writers Conference.

Joan blogs regularly for the Huffington Post. For more information, visit her website: http://www.joangelfand.com.

Jenny Holland has been a musician since the age of six, playing a variety of instruments, including piano, guitar, flute, and percussion. She has travelled internationally, both as a student and as a professional musician. Her musical style is eclectic and spans across many different genres, including folk, various kinds of jazz, and rock. Currently, she is the music director of the Berkeley theater group Ragged Wing Ensemble, a private music teacher, and a member of the band Gods+Others.


Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a seat, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, organized and hosted by Andy Jones,occurs on the first and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery.
Who: Joan Gelfand and Jenny Holland
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, December 15th, 8 pm
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street

The Poetry Night Reading Series would like to thank Poets & Writers for the sponsorship of this event, made possible by a grant from the James Irvine Foundation.

Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery 530-756-3938

The facebook event can also be accessed here: http://www.facebook.com/events/287752117928879/

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