Dr. Andy Jones is a poet, MC, faculty member at UC Davis, radio talk show host, academic technology center academic director, and public speaker. Andy has taught writing and literature classes at the University of California, Davis since 1990, and since 2000 has hosted “Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour” on KDVS, Wednesday afternoons at 5:00 P.M. Among the 1,000 guests he has interviewed on the radio show have been Sherman Alexie, Margaret Atwood, Ian MacKaye, and Gary Snyder. Andy also coordinates and hosts the Poetry Night Reading Series in Davis, California (first and third Thursdays at the John Natsoulas Gallery).
His poems have appeared in many small journals and newspapers, including Poetry Digest, Epicenter, A Light Left On, The Homestead Review, Snakeskin, The Blue Moon Literary and Art Review, and The Sacramento News and Review. Andy is working on a variety of book projects, including a book on creativity and professional development, and a book on parenting (co-authored by his wife, Kate). His next poetry book, newly in search of a publisher, is titled Cages. Andy’s last book of poetry, Split Stock, was published in 2006. He has performed poetry throughout Northern California, and in Nara, Japan.
Monday’s reading will feature outrageous personae poems, a few Jukie poems, and a light roasting (a toasting, really) of Sacramento Poetry Center and Sacramento Poet Laureate Bob Stanley, who will be present. I have given more solo readings in Japan than in California in recent years, so I hope you will consider joining me in Sacramento Monday to hear some of my new work, and some (of my) old favorites. An open mic follows.
Andy Jones Reads Original Poetry
Monday, November 14th
7:30 PM
The Sacramento Poetry Center
1719 25th Street (at 25th and R Streets)
Sacramento, CA
The Facebook event can be accessed here: