Poet Jill Stengel celebrates the chapbook form as publisher of the prolific micropress a+bend press, with 41 chapbook titles and more in the works. Her engagement with the chapbook form is also apparent in her own poetry: she has seven published chapbooks, with two more due out this year. Several of her chapbooks, including lagniappe, late may, and may(be)can be viewed online at www.dusie.org. Her first full-length collection is due out in early 2011 from Black Radish Books. Stengel’s poetic community activities have included teaching poetry and book arts at various levels; participating in publishing collectives and writing collectives; participating in poetry community listservs, including the Poet-Moms listserv; publishing mem, a journal of writing by poets who are mothering young children; and curating a poetry reading series, Second Sundays at BlueBar, in San Francisco’s historically poetically rich North Beach district.
Jill Stengel performed on August 19th, 2010.