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Wide-Open Mic at 7 PM on Thursday, February 6th, 2025, at the John Natsoulas Gallery in Davis

Dear Friends of Poetry,

The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to present a Wide-Open Mic at 7 PM on Thursday, February 6th, 2025, on the first floor of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis. 

Plan to join us with your poems, your stories, your songs, your comedy, or your dance numbers. We ask that you limit your performance to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. As Robert Southey says, “Be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams – the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.” 

This special event will be hosted by Katerina Hanks and Robby Nykodym, as Dr. Andy Jones will be attending the San Francisco Writers Conference.

Find out more about the Poetry Night Reading Series in Davis, California by visiting https://www.poetryindavis.com. Encourage your friends to sign up for the mailing list. To learn more about Dr. Andy’s tiny media fiefdom, check out his weekly podcast at https://poetrytechnology.buzzsprout.com/. Also, see some of his recent essays on Substack: https://andyjones.substack.com/. Dr. Andy’s Substack is almost to 250 subscribers. Perhaps you will help him reach his goal.

In 2025, we plan to feature the poets Coco Blossom, Robby Nykodym, Oswaldo Vargas, Patrick Grizzell, Clarence Major, April Ossmann, Julia Levine, Susan Browne, Dane Cervine, Brad Buchanan, Chris Erickson, Mariam Ahmed, and new UC Davis creative writing professor Cindy Juyoung Ok. 

Upcoming Events:

February 6 – Wide Open Mic
February 20 – Coco Blossom and Anthony Xavier Jackson
March 6 – Cindy Ok
March 20 – National Storytelling Day
April 3 – Clarence Major and April Ossmann
April 17 – Julia Levine and Susan Browne
May 1 – Patrick Grizzell and Oswaldo Vargas

Please plan to join us on every first and third Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the John Natsoulas Gallery for the Poetry Night Reading Series.

Fondly yours,

Dr. Andy Jones
Host, The Poetry Night Reading Series

P.S. 📌 Save the Date! Dr. Andy will be reading with Dyson Smith at the Sacramento Poetry Center on February 17.