Dear Friends of Poetry,
The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to feature Margaret Ronda and Augusta Funk at 7 PM on Thursday, October 20th, 2022, on the roof of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.
Margaret Ronda is the author of two poetry collections, For Hunger (Saturnalia Books, 2018) and Personification (2010), winner of the Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as Bennington Review, Annulet, Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal, Gulf Coast, Agni, VOLT, West Branch, and Columbia Poetry Journal. She is also the author of a critical study on postwar poetry and global ecological crisis, Remainders: American Poetry at Nature’s End (Stanford University Press, Post*45 Series, 2018). She teaches American poetry, environmental literature and theory, and creative writing at the University of California, Davis.
Augusta Funk is a poet, scholar, and teacher. A PhD student in English at UC Davis, Funk researches twentieth-century feminist and queer poetry at the intersections of critical geography, abolition, and lyric theory. She has received fellowships from the Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference, Vermont Studio Center, and the Helen Zell Writers’ Program. Her poems have appeared in Best New Poets, Poetry Daily, Witness, The Massachusetts Review, Poetry Northwest, Colorado Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Cream City Review, Fairy Tale Review, and elsewhere.
This event will take place at the Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) at 7 PM on Thursday, October 20th, 2022. There will be an open mic after the featured performers. Open mic performances will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter.
Find the Facebook event page for this event at https://www.facebook.com/events/627459455542468/
The Poetry Night Reading Series, taking place on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7 PM, is generously supported by the people and poets of the Sacramento Valley, and by John Natsoulas and the staff at the John Natsoulas Gallery. Your host will be Dr. Andy Jones, the poet laureate emeritus of the City of Davis.
Find out more about the Poetry Night Reading Series by visiting https://www.poetryindavis.com. Invite your friends to sign up for the mailing list. To learn more about Dr. Andy’s tiny media fiefdom, check out his weekly podcast at https://poetrytechnology.buzzsprout.com/ and his weekly newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com.
Upcoming Poetry Night Events:
November 3: Joshua McKinney with Matthew Chronister
November 17: To Be Announced
December 1: Katie Peterson and Christian Gullette
December 15: Beth Suter (author of a new book, Snake and Eggs) with Bethanie Humphreys
January 5: Allegra Silberstein (author of a new book, Dancing with the Morning Breeze) with Jean Beguin
January 19: Brad Buchanan with Frank Dixon Graham
Upcoming readers (2023) at the Poetry Night Reading Series will include, among others, Pamela Houston, Lois Jones, Brad Henderson, Talia Lakshmi Kolluri, Julia Levine, and Rooja Mohassessy.