Dear Friends of Poetry,
The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to feature Sacramento poets Susan Kelly-DeWitt and Tim Kahl at 7 PM on Thursday, July 7th, 2022 on the roof of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.
Susan Kelly-DeWitt is the inaugural poet in the California Poets Series with her book Gatherer’s Alphabet (February 2022) and is the author of the highly-regarded publication from Main Street Rag, Gravitational Tug. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow and the author of Spider Season (Cold River Press, 2016), The Fortunate Islands (Marick Press, 2008) and nine previous collections, Kelly-DeWitt is one of the most talented and accomplished poets of the Sacramento Valley. Her work appears in many anthologies, and in print and online journals at home and abroad. She has been a reviewer for Library Journal, editor of the online journal Perihelion, Program Director for the Sacramento Poetry Center and the Women’s Wisdom Arts Program, a Poet in the Schools and in the Prisons, a blogger for Coal Hill Review, and an instructor for UC Davis Continuing Education. She is currently a member of the National Book Critics Circle, the Northern California Book Reviewers Association and a contributing editor for Poetry Flash.
Ilya Kaminsky said this of our featured poet: “Susan Kelly-DeWitt is a poet who finds the marvelous in the everyday, who finds in our silent moments a music, who finds wisdom in our fears and passions, and teaches us to slow down and see ourselves in ourselves. I love her work.”
Tim Kahl is the author of Possessing Yourself (CW Books, 2009), The Century of Travel (CW Books, 2012) The String of Islands (Dink, 2015) and Omnishambles (Bald Trickster, 2019). His work has been published in many journals in the U.S and abroad. He is also an editor of Clade Song [http://www.cladesong.com]. A sustained force for Sacramento poetry, Tim serves the community as the events coordinator of The Sacramento Poetry Alliance. He builds flutes, plays them and plays guitars, ukuleles, charangos, cavaquinhos and many other instruments from around the world. Tim currently teaches at California State University, Sacramento, where he sings lieder while walking on campus between classes. Find out even more about Tim Kahl at http://www.timkahl.com
This event will take place on the roof of the John Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) at 7 PM on Thursday, July 7th. There will be an open mic after the featured performers. Open mic performances will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. Please mask your vaccinated selves before entering the Gallery. No matter what the CDC or Yolo County has decreed, we ask that you wear your mask while inside the Natsoulas Gallery.
“My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you. But for every real word spoken, for every attempt I had ever made to speak those truths for which I am still seeking, I had made contact with other women while we examined the words to fit a world in which we all believed, bridging our differences.” Audre Lorde
Find out more about the Poetry Night Reading Series by visiting https://www.poetryindavis.com. Invite your friends to sign up for the mailing list. To find out more about Dr. Andy’s latest thoughts, check out his weekly newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com or download the latest episode of his podcast at https://poetrytechnology.buzzsprout.com.
Dr. Andy
Upcoming Poetry Night Events:
July 21st: Matt Mitchell and Mo Stoycoff
Upcoming readers at the Poetry Night Reading Series will include, among others, Mischa Kuczynski, Angela James, Charles Halsted, Brad Buchanan, Margaret Ronda, Andy Jones, Mary Mackey, and Rooja Mohassessy.