Dear Friends of Poetry,
The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to feature Mo Stoycoff and Matt Mitchell at 7 PM on Thursday, July 21st, 2022 on the rooftop of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.
Mo Lynn Stoycoff is a writer, poet and visual artist whose poems have most recently appeared in Southern Poetry Review, Rise Up Review, California Quarterly, Intima: Journal of Narrative Medicine, and Florida Review. Her work has also been featured in various anthologies such as Harvest International’s Quaranzine and Sacramento: 100 Poems.
Stoycoff has been an activist for many years and has performed her poems at rallies and other events. She was the author of the popular “Get Off Yer Ass” column in Alive n’ Kicking music magazine that ran for many years in the Sacramento area. The column inspired awareness and action in the readers through the power of story. More at www.molynnstoycoff.com.
Matthew Mitchell is a math teacher, poet, and writer based in Sacramento. He holds a master’s in urban planning from Columbia University and has long been interested in the natural and the urban, the ways emotion and intelligence get expressed in landscape, the spaces where the wild-personal and public-formal intersect. His poems and essays have appeared in several small journals as well as on the radio, and his debut chapbook, The Adored Garden, was published in May through Moonstone Press. Check out more of his work at prospericity.net.
This event will take place at the Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) at 7 PM on Thursday, July 21st. There will be an open mic after the featured performers. Open mic performances will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. No matter what the CDC or Yolo County has announced, we ask that you wear your mask inside the Natsoulas Gallery.
Find out more about the Poetry Night Reading Series by visiting https://www.poetryindavis.com. Invite your friends to sign up for the mailing list. To find out more about Dr. Andy’s latest thoughts, check out his weekly newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com or download the latest episode of his podcast at https://poetrytechnology.buzzsprout.com.
Dr. Andy
We are taking August 4 off for an extensive summer vacation. Please plan to join us every first and third Thursday of the month, including on August 18th for Charles Halsted and Angela James.
Upcoming readers at the Poetry Night Reading Series will include, among others, Mischa Kuczynski, Jordan Karnes, Brad Buchanan, Margaret Ronda, Andy Jones, Mary Mackey, and Rooja Mohassessy.