Dear Friends of Poetry,
The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to feature Joseph Millar and Amanda Hawkins at 7 PM on Thursday, May 5th, 2022 on the rooftop of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.
Joseph Millar is the author of eight books of poetry. His first book Overtime (2001), was a finalist for the Oregon Book Award. His latest book is Dark Harvest: New and Selected Poems (2021), published by Carnegie Mellon University Press. He has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Montalvo Arts Center, and Oregon Literary Arts. He has won a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation as well as a Pushcart Prize, and his poetry has appeared in such magazines as DoubleTake, TriQuarterly, The Southern Review, American Poetry Review, and Ploughshares. Millar has taught at the University of Oregon and Oregon State University; he currently teaches in Pacific University’s low-residency MFA Program and in North Carolina State’s MFA Program in Creative Writing. Joe Millar currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, the poet Dorianne Laux. Find out more about Millar at www.josephmillar.org.
Opening for Millar will be poet Amanda Hawkins. Amanda Hawkins is a Tin House, Key West, and Bread Loaf Scholar, a three-time Pushcart nominee, and recipient of the Editor’s Prize for Poetry at The Florida Review. Their work has been published in Orion, The Orison Anthology, Boston Review, The Cincinnati Review, Massachusetts Review, Terrain, and Tin House. Hawkins has won fellowships from Writing by Writers, Kentucky Women’s Conference, and Napa Valley Writer’ Conference, and has taught literature, writing, and poetry at the university and community levels. They hold an MA in theological studies from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, and they are an MFA candidate at UC Davis. Find out more about Hawkins at www.amandahawkinspoet.com.
This event will take place at the Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) at 7 PM on Thursday, May 5th. There will be an open mic after the featured performers. Open mic performances will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. Please mask your vaccinated selves before entering the Gallery, and please dress in layers, for the temperature drops soon after the 8 PM sunset.
Dr. Andy
Upcoming Poetry Night Events:
May 19th: Zinzi Clemmons and Mangai Arumugam
June 2nd: Inés Hernández-Ávila and Wendah Alvarez
June 16th: Judy Halebsky and Dean Rader
P.S. Keep checking back for future Poetry Night events with Erin Rodoni, Charles Halsted, Dean Rader (2023), and other favorites. Read also Dr. Andy’s latest newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com.