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Aaron Bradford and Tom Goff Read at the Natsoulas Gallery on October 7 at 7 PM

Aaron Bradford and Tom Goff

Dear Friends of Poetry,

Poetry Night in full swing! Join us at 7 PM on Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1stStreet in Davis. We will be joined by two standout Sacramento poets, Tom Goff and Aaron Bradford

Tom Goff is the winner of the 2021 Robinson Jeffers Tor House Poetry Prize. An instructional assistant in the Reading and Writing Center at Folsom Lake College, Goff has degrees in music performance from Sacramento State University and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He has written five chapbooks of poetry and one full-length collection, Twelve-Tone Row: Music in Words (I Street Press, 2018). He recently has been published in Spectral Realms #14 (Hippocampus Press, 2021), and is represented in Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California (Scarlet Tanager Press, 2018). 

Opening for Tom Goff will be Aaron Bradford.

Aaron Bradford teaches creative writing, argument, and literature courses at American River College. Bradford writes about being a father of daughters during the era of global climate change and pandemic, including the anxiety and the slivers of hope that can embed into daily life. His poems have appeared in Tule ReviewPearlChiron Review, and Nerve Cowboy and the anthologies Incidental Buildings & Accidental BeautyBurning the Little Candle, and Late Peaches

The Poetry Night Reading Series, taking place on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7 PM, is generously supported by the people and poets of the Sacramento Valley, and by John Natsoulas and the staff at the John Natsoulas Gallery. Your host is Dr. Andy Jones, the poet laureate emeritus of the City of Davis. See Dr. Andy’s new (free) weekly newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com – Please subscribe!

This event will take place at the Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) at 7 PM (note the time) on Thursday, October 7. There will be an open mic after the featured performers. Open mic participants will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter, so we can move on to the after-party. Vaccinated folks are invited to join us! To protect the safety of everyone in attendance, please bring and wear your masks. Thanks.

Please join us on Thursday, October 7th, at 7 PM at 521 1st Street in Davis.

Dr. Andy 

Find the Facebook event page for this event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/197469059125790