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The September 2nd Poetry Night will Feature a Wide-Open Mic

The September 2nd Poetry Night will Feature a Wide-Open Mic

Poetry Night in PERSON! Join us at 7 PM on Thursday, September 2nd, 2021 at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.

Dear Friends of Poetry,

On Thursday, August 2nd at 7 PM (note the time!), we will assemble (en masse and with masks) to share new works that we have written ourselves at our annual WIDE-OPEN MIC.

This week one of my favorite local scientists shared this on Twitter:



Intense Hurricanes.


Everything else underpinning these crises. And, everything else going on.

It’s all so much. Too much.

To this list we might add flooding in New York City, oppression of women seeking health care and minorities seeking to vote in Texas and elsewhere, and the recent passing via an American River drowning accident of Dan Brenner, a longtime member of the poetry community, and a past winner of the Jack Kerouac Poetry Contest.

With all these concerns in mind, or with joyful antidotes and anecdotes not on any of these lists, I hope you will join us tonight for a celebration of life, poetry, and community. Bring your poems, your short stories, your songs, or your dance routines. Also, bring your masks, and plan to forgive your friends for the lack of hugs, kisses, and high-fives. 

Open mic participants will be limited to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter, so we can move on to the after-party. The Poetry Night Reading Series, taking place on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7 PM, is generously supported by the people and poets of the Sacramento Valley, and by John Natsoulas and the staff at the John Natsoulas Gallery. Your host is Dr. Andy Jones, the poet laureate emeritus of the City of Davis. See Dr. Andy’s new (free) weekly newsletter at https://andyjones.substack.com – Please subscribe!

I look forward to hearing from you, and to spending some time with new and old friends. See you tonight!

Dr. Andy

Find the Facebook Event Page for this Reading Here: 
