The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to feature two distinguished poets, Julia Levine and Susan Browne. They will perform on Thursday, February 6th at 8 P.M. at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.
JULIA B. LEVINE has won numerous awards for her work, including the 2015 Northern California Book Award in Poetry for her latest collection, Small Disasters Seen in Sunlight, (LSU press 2014), as well as the 2003 Tampa Review Prize for her collection, Ask; the 1998 Anhinga Poetry Prize and bronze medal from Foreword magazine for her first collection, Practicing for Heaven, as well as a Neruda Award from Nimrod, and a Discovery/The Nation award.
Widely published, her work has been anthologized in America We Call Your Name, The Places That Inhabit Us, The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, and The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry. She received an MFA from Pacific University and a PhD in clinical psychology from UC Berkeley, and lives and works in Davis.
SUSAN BROWNE’S poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, The Sun, Subtropics, The Southern Review, Superstition Review, Rattle, New Ohio Review, B O D Y, American Life in Poetry, The American Journal of Poetry, Love’s Executive Order, and 180 More, Extraordinary Poems for Every Day. She has published two books of poetry, Buddha’s Dogs and Zephyr. Awards include prizes from Four Way Books, the Los Angeles Poetry Festival, the River Styx International Poetry Contest, and The Fischer Poetry Prize. She received a fellowship from the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, and her work has been nominated for three Pushcart Awards. She has also collaborated to create a word/music CD. Her third collection, Just Living, recently won the Catamaran Poetry Prize. She lives in Oakland, California.
Arrive early (by 7:40) to sign up for a spot on the open mic that will follow the readings by our featured poets. Hopeful readers who arrive after 7:40 PM will likely find the list to be full. Please bring your poems, short stories, and songs to share. Performers with instruments are especially welcomed. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series is hosted by Davis poet laureate emeritus Dr. Andy Jones and supported by Dr. Andy’s Winter 2020 interns.
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – (530) 756-3938
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