UC Davis Professor Emeritus Alan Williamson will read with Jeanne Foster at the John Natsoulas Gallery in Davis on November 7 at 8 PM
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to present UC Davis professor emeritus Alan Williamson upon the publication of his first book of poetry in more than a decade: Franciscan Notes. He will be joined by emeritus professor of English at Saint Mary’s College, Jeanne Foster. Together, Williamson and Foster translated select works by the Italian poet Bianca Tarozzi, winning the Bay Area Book Reviewers Award for poetry in translation in 2018 for their book The Living Theatre. The two poets will perform on Thursday, November 7 at 8 P.M. at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.
UC Davis Professor Emeritus Alan Williamson is the author of six books of poetry, including the just-published Franciscan Notes. His other books include The Pattern More Complicated: New and Selected Poems(University of Chicago Press), and five books of criticism, mostly recently Westernness: A Meditation (University Press of Virginia). A native of Chicago, Illinois, Williamson earned a PhD at Harvard University, where he studied with Robert Lowell. Williamson continues to teach in the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, having mentored poets such as James Franco and Joe Wenderoth.
Jeanne Foster has authored works in a variety of genres. Her poetry collections include Goodbye, Silver Sister; Great Horned Owl; and A Blessing of Safe Travel, which won the Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Award. She co-edited Appetite: Food as Metaphor, an anthology of poems by womenwith Phyllis Stowell. Her work has been featured in APR, Hudson Review, Triquarterly, Ploughshares, and Literary Imagination.
Arrive early to sign up for a spot on the open mic that will follow the readings by our featured poets, Alan Williamson and Jeanne Foster. Poems, short stories, and songs are welcomed, especially performance with instruments. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to four minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series is hosted by Davis poet laureate emeritus Dr. Andy Jones, and supported by Dr. Andy’s enthusiastic fall 2019 interns.
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – (530) 756-3938
Link to Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/866947797041153/