The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to feature UC Davis Professor and Poet Margaret Ronda. She will perform on Thursday, October 17th at 8 P.M. at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street in Davis.
Margaret Ronda teaches American poetry and poetics, as well as environmental literature and theory, in the English Department at UC Davis. She is the author of Personification, which was selected by Carl Phillips for the Saturnalia Book Prize, and For Hunger, also published by Saturnalia Books. Her poems have recently appeared in West Branch, Los Angeles Review of Books, Columbia Poetry Journal, Verse Daily, Gulf Coast, and other journals. She is also the author of a critical study, Remainders: American Poetry at Nature’s End, which was published by Stanford University Press in the Post45 Series in 2018.
Arrive early to sign up for a spot on the open mic that will follow the readings by our featured poet. Please bring your poems, short stories, and songs. Performers with instruments are especially welcomed. Participants will be asked to limit their performances to five minutes or two items, whichever is shorter. The Poetry Night Reading Series is hosted by Davis poet laureate emeritus Dr. Andy Jones, and supported by Dr. Andy’s enthusiastic fall 2019 interns.
“Writing is an act of reclamation and revolution. It is a dance with power.” Rae Gouirand
Media Contact: Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – (530) 756-393
Find the Facebook page for this event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2484366111681779/