Poetry Night at the John Natsoulas Gallery features Joshua McKinney and Randy White March 7th at 8 PM
Please join us on Thursday, March 7th at 8 PM for a reading by Joshua McKinney, Sacramento State University professor and author of the new book Small Sillion. Opening for McKinney will be Randy White. This event, followed by an open mic, takes place at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis.
Joshua McKinney’s most recent book of poetry is Small Sillion (Parlor Press, 2019). His work has appeared in such journals as Boulevard, Denver Quarterly, Kenyon Review, New American Writing, and others. He is the recipient of The Dickinson Prize, The Pavement Saw Chapbook Prize, and a Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative Writing. He is co-editor of the online eco-poetry zine, Clade Song.
McKinney is the author of three previous collections of poetry: Saunter, co-winner of the University of Georgia Press Poetry Series Open Competition in 2001, The Novice Mourner, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize in 2005, and Mad Cursive (Wordcraft of Oregon 2012). McKinney teaches at California State University, Sacramento.
Randy White is the author of Blood Transparencies and Motherlode/La Veta Madre. His work has appeared in the Range of Light Anthology, From These Hills: Stories and Poems of The American West, Sulfur, News from Native California and other magazines.
White has given readings of both poetry and fiction at The University of Oklahoma, CSU Chico, The University of Arizona, Southern Oregon College and other venues as well as being sponsored to lecture on writing by Poets & Writers Inc.
Currently, he is completing a biography of the Native Californian known as Ishi, and a young adult novel River Sons and Daughters about a boy who uses the power of story to save a river and his community from destruction.
An open mic (five minutes or two items, whichever is shorter) will follow the featured poets. Arrive by 7:45 to grab a spot on the list.
Joshua McKinney and Randy White
Thursday, March 7th
8:00 P.M.
The Open Mic begins at 9:00 P.M.
The John Natsoulas Gallery
521 1st Street in Davis
Hosted by Dr. Andy Jones