Stegner Fellow Austin Smith reads with UC Davis Professor Greg Glazner
The John Natsoulas Gallery (521 1st Street) in Davis on November 21 at 8 PM
The Poetry Night Reading Series proudly welcomes back Austin Smith to Davis for a special evening of poetry. Opening for Smith will be Greg Glazner of the Creative Writing Program at UC Davis.

AUSTIN SMITH is currently a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Fiction at Stanford. He has had poems published in the New Yorker, Sewanee Review, Yale Review, Pleiades, Poetry East, ZYZZYVA, and others. His stories have appeared in Kenyon Review, Sewanee Review, Glimmer Train, and Epoch. His first collection of poems, Almanac, was chosen by Paul Muldoon for the Princeton Contemporary Poets Series and will be published by Princeton University Press.
Austin Smith was born on a dairy farm in northwestern Illinois. He has lived in numerous places since, including Hyderabad, India, Zuccotti Park, New York City and a tent in northern Alaska. He has published three chapbooks of poetry: In the Silence of the Migrated Birds (Parallel Press), Instructions for How to Put an Old Horse Down (Longhouse Press), and Wheat and Distance (Longhouse Press). He recently won the Henfield Prize for fiction.
The author of two books of poetry, GREG GLAZNER has won The Bess Hokin Award from Poetry, The Walt Whitman Award, and a 2005 NEA Fellowship. A popular and respected musician and poet, Glazner teaches at UC Davis as a Visiting Writer and professor.
The Poetry Night Reading Series meets on the first and third Thursdays of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in the City of Davis. An open mic will follow the featured poets at about 9 PM, with spots available only to those who come early to sign up. The after-party begins at about 10 PM. All are invited.
Who: Austin Smith and Greg Glazner
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, November 21st, 8pm
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – 756-3938
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