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Joshua Clover Reads at the John Natsoulas Gallery

The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome poet and UC Davis professor Joshua Clover. He will be performing on Thursday, November 3rd at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street at 8PM.

Joshua Clover is an award-winning poet, film and music critic, and theorist who has published multiple books. Clover received his B.A. from Boston University and is a graduate of the prestigious Iowa Writer’s Workshop. He has been a member of the UC Davis English Faculty since 2003.

His first book of poetry, Madonna Anno Domini (Louisiana State University Press, 1997) was honored with the Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets. His second book of poetry, The Totality for Kids (University of California Press) was published in 2006. He served as the distinguished Holloway poet-in-residence at the University of California, Berkeley and is a two-time recipient of the Pushcart Prize for his poetry. His poems have also appeared in three volumes of Best American Poetry.

His works on criticism include a book on film, The Matrix (British Film Institute, 2005) and 1989: Bob Dylan Didn’t Have This to Sing About (University of California Press, 2009), which has been described as “a tour de force of lyrical theory.” He has written for The New York Times, is a regular contributor to Village Voice, and is a former senior writer for Spin magazine.

Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a seat, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, organized and hosted by Dr. Andy Jones, occurs on the first and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery. Other Poetry Night performers this fall and winter will include Leonore Wilson and Joan Gelfand.

Free refreshments will be made available to attendees of this event on a first-come, first-served basis. The staff of the Poetry Night Reading Series is grateful to Joshua Clover for the additional support that will make the refreshments possible.

Who: Joshua Clover
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, November 3rd, 8PM
Where: The John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street

Media Contact: Andy Jones


The John Natsoulas Gallery: 530-756-3938


The facebook event can also be accessed here: 
