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The First-Ever Sustainable Poetry Variety Show

Australian writer and poet Pippa Whishaw and Dr. Andy Jones are excited to present a special event, The Sustainable Poetry Variety Show, on Thursday June 2nd at 4 P.M. Poets, musicians and other talented artists will perform outside on the front porch of the Turtle House at 217 2nd Street, Davis, on the theme of “Sustainability.”

Featuring is Spring Warren, author of a new book, The Quarter-Acre Farm, an account of deciding—despite all resistance—to take control of her family’s food choices, get her hands dirty, and create a garden the yard of her Davis home. It’s a story of bugs, worms, rot, and failure; of learning, replanting, harvesting, and eating. Longtime Davis resident Spring Warren graduated from Black Hills State College in Spearfish, South Dakota and received an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of California, Davis. Her novel Turpentine (Grove Atlantic, 2008) received Barnes and Noble’s Discover Great New Writers Award, the bronze medal in ForeWord Magazine’s Book of the Year for Historic Fiction, and was a recommended title of the New York Center for Independent Publishing. She will be reading from The Quarter-Acre Farm: How I Kept the Patio, Lost the Lawn, and Fed My Family for a Year.

Also featuring is Eskimo Pie. A certified docent and gardener for the UC Davis Arboretum, Eskimo Pie is a longtime board member of the Sacramento Poetry Center, and the author of several chapbooks, including Eskimo Pie Girl Dreams (1997), Matsuyoi: 50 Haiku for the Moon (2000), The Cook Inlet Poems (2005), Border Crossing (2006), A Celtic Epic (2007), and 200 San Juan Ridge Haiku for Lew Welch (2008). She has placed poems in dozens of local and national journals, and has worked as a poetry and journal editor for more than 25 years.

This is an inaugural event. Anyone is welcome to come. There will be a small open microphone section after the main reading on the theme of Sustainability or anything related; please sign up at the beginning of the show.

Who: Spring Warren, Eskimo Pie and other talented poets, musicians and artists

What: Sustainable Poetry Variety Show

When: Thursday June 2nd at 4 P.M.

Where: Front Porch of the Turtle House, 217 2nd Street Davis

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