The new Fall-Winter 2010 edition of the Davis-based Blue Moon Literary & Art Review is available for purchase! Issue 6 features winners of the Will Albrecht Contest, stories by Brendan Moore, Robert Earle, Yance Wyatt, photos by Ron Lane, and more!

Copies are $10, and can be purchased through mail by sending check or money order made payable to Blue Moon Literary & Art Review to the following address:
Scott Evans, Editor
327 Twelfth Street
Davis, CA 95616
Buy your copy today, and support your local literary community!
The Blue Moon Literary & Art Review publishes fiction and poetry of all genres, from serious fiction to murder mystery. We hope the Review will be entertaining and thought provoking; however, we have no political agenda, only a strong desire to promote and publish fine writing. In addition to works of fiction, we also invite for consideration reviews of art, books, and plays, as well as literary essays of any kind. We continue to grow over the years as we promote and encourage new writers from all over the world. Our goal is to lead the literary life and to allow others to lead it with us. Good writing, like fine wine, should be shared and appreciated as a communal experience.