Come to the John Natsoulas Gallery tonight at 8PM to celebrate the release of Nameless Magazine‘s latest print issue!

A student-run publication aimed at developing a literary and artistic community amongst the UCD undergraduate population, Nameless Magazine is the official UC Davis Undergraduate Literary and Arts magazine. Their motto, “Anything That Tells a Story,” exemplifies their goal to provide an outlet for all students to share their work, whether they express themselves through poetry, prose, or visual arts. They publish three issues online and one “best of” print issue each year. The Print Issue Release Party is a showcase of their most recent print issue, Volume III, Best of 2009-2010. This issue includes work from talented undergraduates of the UC Davis community. At the release party, you can enjoy music, readings, and refreshments, mingle with the editors of the magazine, meet the talented creators behind the published work, purchase your own copy for $10, and perform at the open microphone portion. Come out and support your local art and literary community!
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a seat, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list.
We hope to see you there!