Troy Jollimore is a poet, book critic, essayist, and professor of philosophy. He received his BA from University of King’s College in Halifax and his PhD in philosophy from Princeton University. After receiving his PhD, he taught at Georgetown University and the UC Davis.
Jollimore’s poems have been widely published in various journals including The New Yorker, Poetry, and McSweeney’s. His first collection of poetry, Tom Thomson in Purgatory, won the National Book Critics Circle award for poetry in 2006. It was also nominated for the 2007 Poets’ Prize, and individual poems in the collection received nominations for the Pushcart Prize. His second collection, At Lake Scugog, appeared in the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets in 2011.
Currently a professor of philosophy and the director of the Humanities Center at California State University at Chico, Troy Jollimore was selected as Outstanding Professor for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Troy Jollimore performed on June 7, 2012.