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James Kaelan

A coverman for Poets & Writers magazine, James Kaelan is the former web editor/co-founder of Flatmancrooked, a full-service, independent online and print publishing house established in 2008. He graduated with a BA in english and creative writing from UC Davis, after which he earned his fiction MFA at Boston University. He writes for The Sweet Science and Bedlam Magazine in LA. His first novel, Brute, is forthcoming in 2010. He is also the author of We’re Getting On, which is part of the Zero Emission Book Project. The first edition of We’re Getting On has birch seeds embedded in the cover, which means that if the novel is planted in the ground, it grows into a tree – thus offsetting its production emissions. The book tour is carbon-neutral as well. James not only forewent using any fossil-fueled vehicles by riding his bike 1,900 miles, but he also ate only organic, local produce.

This special event was co-hosted by the Avid Reader and the Poetry Night Reading Series.

James Kaelan performed on July 19th, 2010.